
Lumallas Eunice

Partner in charge of Constitutional Law, Trial Advocacy And Dispute Resolution

LUMALLAS EUNICE is a highly regarded litigator, with extensive experience of representing clients before a number of key courts and judicial Tribunals. Lumallas focuses on both private client work and as well as general litigation, arbitration (domestic and international) and mediation. Lumallas is an accredited mediator certified by the mediation accreditation committee

LUMALLAS holds a Master’s degree from the University of Nairobi in Public International Law, a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from Moi University and a post-graduate Diploma in law obtained from the Kenya School of Law. She has vast knowledge in Law through services at various entities both private and public, she has worked with Mohammed Muigai Advocates, CFC Stanbic Bank as head of debt management and the Parliament of Kenya and in selected nations in Africa and beyond Africa. She served as the Head of the Secretariat and Legal Counsel for the Speaker of the 10th Parliament of Kenya, Hon. Kenneth Marende, and also served as Deputy Director in the Department of Litigation and Compliance.

She is a governance expert and has immense interest in gender and children matters, in this regard she is a Member of the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), a member of the Law Society of Kenya’s Gender and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Committees and a practicing Arbitrator and ADR practitioner at Fellow level with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (K). Lumallas is a registered patent agent with the Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI), a Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public.

Major practice areas include:- Alternative Dispute Resolution, Commercial arbitration (international & domestic) and General Litigation, Intellectual Property, Criminal law, Energy Law & Regulation/ Oil & Gas & extractive industries regime, Constitutional law & Governance, Legislative Drafting & law making process, Labour, sports and entertainment law, Family law, Probate & Administration. Other Positions Held: • Council Member at the Association of Professional Societies of East Africa (APSEA) • Branch Committee representative of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Kenya Branch.

Paulette Achieng'

Managing Partner

PAULETTE ACHIENG’ holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from the University of Nairobi and a post graduate Diploma in law obtained from the Kenya School of Law. She was admitted to the Bar in the year 2006. Paulette has 10 years’ experience in bank securities, conveyancing and property law, intellectual property, debt recovery and general banking law. Paulette is also a Professional Mediator (MTI). She is also an active Member of the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), a member of the Law Society of Kenya’s Conveyancing Committee and is a registered patent agent with the Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) and a Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public.

Major areas of practice Transaction advisory services to clients and dealing with all property transactions including obtaining titles, Preparing instruments of dealing in land interests including but not limited to Conveyances, Leases, Assignments, Land Transfers and Novation Agreements, Effecting registration of the conveyances in various land registries and at the Company registries, Development of large scale housing estates, high level and complex property schemes and commercial properties;

Representing banks, financial institutions and borrowers in all kinds of banking and financial transactions including corporate finance, project financing and loan syndications, Negotiating funding and development agreements for property companies, Carrying out audits for securities held by banks, Conducting due diligence including searches at the relevant registries, Advising clients on land utilization and management policies, Advising clients on the new/emerging laws affecting land in Kenya, Islamic Banking transactions, Probate and Administration, Intellectual property, Mediation.

Eunice Kavere

Partner in charge of Company Secretarial and Commercial Department

E. KAVERE holds a Global Executive Master of Business Administration degree from the United States International University in Collaboration with Frankfurt Business School Germany obtained in the year 2014. She was admitted to the Bar in the year 2006. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from the University of Nairobi and a post-graduate Diploma in law obtained from the Kenya School of Law. Kavere is a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPA-K), a Certified Public Secretary of Kenya (CPS-K) and Lead Auditor, ISO-9000 series.

Major areas of practice: Company Secretarial practice (Company formations, company secretarial and company administration work), Contract Drafting and negotiation (joint ventures and other forms of business agreements, long term supply agreements, agency and distribution agreements, lease and hire purchase, terms and conditions of sale/purchase, Power Sharing Agreements), Transaction advisory including rights issue, debt structuring, mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and debt conversion, Banking law, Landlord and tenant law, Employment law including the Industrial Tribunal, Procurement law, Insurance & Reinsurance Law, Pension Fund transactions, Winding up/Insolvency law